
The liver works relentlessly. It purifies our blood, turns toxins into waste products, metabolizes medications and nutrients, and creates proteins as our body’s major filtration system. 

While a healthy liver naturally cleanses itself, it may not be performing at its best if it is continually exposed to toxins from the environment and food.

Our bodies are under more stress than ever before, from pollution to chemicals to preservatives. These can deplete nutrient supplies, lead to a build-up of harmful substances in the body, and trigger chronic inflammation, all of which can make us sluggish and ill and put a lot more strain on our livers.

According to Dr. Gaurav Gupta, a liver transplant surgeon in Mumbai, the process of detoxification functions efficiently in a healthy body. However, when you are unhealthy or suffering from disease, your liver’s detoxification function slows down, and some toxins might stay active for longer than we desire or our bodies can take. It makes us ill and slows down our metabolism. It also causes bloating, puffiness, and fluid retention.

If you experience any such symptoms, contact Dr. Gaurav Gupta for consultation. He provides one of the best liver transplant in Mumbai.


From time to time, our body gives out signs and signals to tell us that our liver needs to detox and cleanse itself.

While we may not restrict our exposure to all toxins and chemicals, we can make intelligent dietary and lifestyle changes that help the liver detoxify and reduce our overall toxic load.

Keep a watch out for the following signs:

  • You are overweight
  • Have joint pain
  • Experience bloating and gas
  • Sensitive to medications, smells, or chemicals
  • Feel fatigued
  • Skin is not clear
  • Stress
  • Prone to seasonal allergies
  • Crave sugar
  • Bad breath and body odour

What could be interfering with your liver’s ability to function correctly?

While most people connect disorders like hepatitis with a damaged liver, many other causes can place an undue load on our body’s primary detoxifying organ, all of which you should address right away:

  • Excessive alcohol
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Taking incorrect doses of medicine or self-medication
  • Poor gut health
  • Excessive consumption of sugar
  • Being overweight


Ways to naturally cleanse your liver

Learn how to cleanse or detox your liver without harming your health. The strategies given below will assist your liver in performing at its best.

1. Eat a diet that is good for your liver and guts

No need for sophisticated detox. A well-balanced, healthy diet that encourages weight loss or maintenance and includes nutrients that help your liver and gut is the best.

According to research, decreasing your body weight by 5 to 10% can lower liver fat levels by 35 to 40%. It eases a substantial burden on the liver.

You can start by eliminating processed foods and increasing water consumption. Eat whole grains, seeds, vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, eggs, fish, and minimally processed oils like olive or coconut oil instead of caffeine, processed foods, and alcohol.

Avoiding common allergens and food sensitivities can help heal gastrointestinal damage, reduce the number of toxins in your system, and relieve liver stress.

Food beneficial for the liver

Include foods in your diet that are good for your liver. You may begin to incorporate foods that support healthy liver function, such as those that increase glutathione production, encourage bile flow, and bind toxins and heavy metals.

These are:

  • Beetroot
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Fermented foods
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Green tea
  • Salmon
  • Lentils

2. Experiment with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting can help your liver detox. According to studies, fasting causes liver cells to create added protein linked to improved sugar metabolism and lower liver fat levels.

When the body and liver do not focus on our digestive system, it can heal and clean itself. When we let this process run its course, our body’s healthy cells eat up harmful cells, resulting in a complete cellular detox.

3. Make sensible use of liver-supporting supplements

Specific items marketed as liver detoxes or liver cleanses have not been tested for safety or efficacy. On the other hand, some nutrients have the potential to enhance liver function. Although supplements like turmeric, activated charcoal, chlorella, and milk thistle are generally safe, you should consult your physician before taking any of them to check that they don’t react with your current medications.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps your liver in detoxification. It is dependent on two relevant factors, limiting further exposure to toxins and eliminating toxins already existing in the body. Thirty minutes of walking or aerobic activity per day is beneficial.

5. Make time for self-care

Too much stress in your life can harm your liver as it amplifies liver disease. Stress that goes unchecked can harm your health in various ways, leading to digestive problems and other lifestyle disorders. As a result, adopting healthy lifestyles that induce calm in your life is in your best interests.

Liver detox is a lifestyle change, and the above tips do help. If you experience any liver-related issues, visit an experienced surgeon who excels in liver transplant in Mumbai.

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