Keeping your liver in good shape isn’t difficult at all. Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Head of Liver Transplant at Fortis Hospital, Mulund, believes it’s all about living a healthy lifestyle.
Given below are ways in which you can keep your liver healthy.
Avoid or limit alcohol intake.
Do not overindulge in alcohol since it can harm liver cells and cause swelling or scarring, leading to cirrhosis, which could be fatal.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise helps keep your liver healthy. It lowers liver stress, boosts energy, and helps to prevent obesity, which is a risk factor for liver disease.
Eat a balanced diet
Fatty liver disease is caused by the increased level of fat in the blood and high cholesterol levels. It is necessary to minimize trans fats, hydrogenated fats, and saturated fats in your food.
Dairy products, deep-fried foods, and red meats all contain saturated fats. At the same time, processed foods contain trans and hydrogenated fats.
Excess dietary fat is stored in the liver, which can lead to fatty liver disease. Increase your intake of high-fiber foods, including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. For proteins, consume white meat, fish, nuts, and beans while limiting red meat.
Keep an eye on your weight
Obesity is a crucial risk factor for fatty liver disease, especially abdominal or central obesity. A healthy weight can be attained and maintained with a well-balanced diet and exercise. At present, fatty liver disease is one of the most common liver diseases. Weight-loss programs can assist in the reduction of liver fat and maintain a healthy weight.
Be careful of certain medications.
Some cholesterol medications might produce liver problems as a side effect. If you take too much acetaminophen, it can harm your liver. You may be taking more acetaminophen than you think. It is in hundreds of medications, including medicine for colds and prescription pain relievers.

Be wary of weight-loss supplements and fad diets.
Toxins and chemicals found in weight-loss medicines purchased without a prescription may be detrimental to the liver.
Diets that cause your weight to fluctuate rapidly put your liver under a lot of strain. Any diet that promises drastic weight loss in a short time should be avoided as they are frequently deficient in critical nutrients and are unhealthy for your liver and harmful.
Keep your distance from toxins
Chemicals in some cleaning products, aerosols, and insecticides can harm your liver. Keep a safe distance from them.
Use traditional medicine and treatments with care
Heavy metals or unknown toxins are found in several of these over-the-counter traditional medications and cures. They can cause liver toxicity or put your liver under stress, causing it to malfunction. Traditional medicine overuse can cause liver inflammation, which can lead to irreparable liver damage or failure. If you have an issue, please visit a liver specialist in Mumbai.
Get vaccinated
The best approach to lower your risk of liver disease is to get vaccinated. Vaccines against the hepatitis A and B viruses are available. However, there is no vaccine for the hepatitis C virus.
Do not share personal hygiene items.
It would be best if you did not share razors, toothbrushes, and nail cutters since they can carry minute amounts of blood or other body fluids that could infect you.
As you may have noticed, you can avoid many health problems by making simple lifestyle changes. It is especially true when it comes to the liver. Incorporate these activities into your daily routine and notice the difference they make in your body.
View our recent Case Study
A 59-year-old male named Mr Swamy, a decompensated cirrhosis patient suffering from ascites, fluid overload, infections, and coagulopathy, consulted Dr Gaurav Gupta for a liver transplant. Mr Swamy was unable to breathe due to fluid overload when he arrived at the OPD. He weighed 120 kgs, and the majority of his excess weight was due to fluid overload.
Mrs. Swamy, the patient’s wife, agreed to donate a portion of her liver to him. Mr Swamy had a fever, cough, and trouble breathing during the early investigation and was COVID positive. He was admitted to the hospital for two weeks to recover from the same. To read more about the case, click here.